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How do I Make Exercise Fun and Effective for Kids?

Written by Health Next Door Physiotherapists | Jul 28, 2024 9:25:19 AM

Physiotherapy can be incredibly beneficial for children, especially those with conditions that impact their physical development and mobility. Making physiotherapy fun and engaging through games can significantly enhance a child’s participation and outcomes.

Here are some exciting and effective physiotherapy games for kids:

1. Obstacle Course Adventure

Creating an obstacle course can be a fantastic way to combine various physical activities into one exciting game. Use household items like pillows, chairs, and toys to set up an obstacle course that requires kids to crawl, jump, balance, and climb. This game helps improve coordination, strength, and balance.

How to Play:
  • Set up a safe and varied obstacle course.
  • Guide the child through the course, encouraging them to overcome each obstacle.
  • Time their progress and challenge them to beat their previous times.
2. Animal Walks

Imitating animal movements can be both fun and beneficial for kids. This game targets different muscle groups and improves balance and coordination.

  • Bear Walk: Walk on hands and feet with hips in the air.
  • Crab Walk: Sit on the floor, lift hips, and walk on hands and feet.
  • Frog Jumps: Squat down and jump forward, landing back in a squat.
3. Balloon Volleyball

Using a balloon instead of a ball makes the game slower and more manageable for children. This game improves hand-eye coordination, upper body strength, and balance.

How to Play:
  • Use a net or a rope to divide the play area.
  • Hit the balloon back and forth over the net.
  • Encourage the child to move around and reach for the balloon.
4. Simon Says

This classic game is excellent for improving listening skills, following directions, and performing a variety of movements. Incorporate specific physiotherapy exercises into the commands.

How to Play:

  • One person is "Simon" and gives commands starting with "Simon says."
  • Players must follow only the commands preceded by "Simon says."
  • Include commands like "Simon says touch your toes," "Simon says balance on one foot," and "Simon says do five jumping jacks."

Musical Statues

This game combines music and movement, making it fun and engaging. It helps improve balance, coordination, and control.

How to Play:
  • Play music and let the kids dance around.
  • When the music stops, they must freeze in place.
  • Incorporate different poses or movements for when they freeze.
5. Therapy Ball Games

Using a therapy ball can make exercises more enjoyable and effective. Activities like rolling the ball, balancing on it, or passing it around can enhance core strength, balance, and coordination.

  • Rolling the Ball: Have the child lie on their stomach on the ball and roll back and forth.
  • Ball Pass: Sit in a circle and pass a large therapy ball around using different body parts (hands, feet, knees).
6. Ladder Drills

Using a ladder (real or taped on the floor) can create a variety of fun and challenging exercises that improve agility, coordination, and balance.

How to Play:
  • Lay a ladder flat on the ground or create one using tape.
  • Have the child perform different movements through the ladder, such as stepping in and out of each rung, hopping with both feet, or skipping every other rung.
  • Vary the movements to keep the activity engaging and challenging.

Benefits of Physiotherapy Games for Kids

  • Enhanced Engagement: Games make physiotherapy sessions more enjoyable, increasing participation and motivation.
  • Improved Physical Skills: Targeted activities help improve strength, coordination, balance, and flexibility.
  • Mental Stimulation: Games that require problem-solving and following directions stimulate cognitive development.


Incorporating fun and engaging games into physiotherapy for kids can transform their experience, making it something they look forward to rather than a chore. By blending physical activity with play, children can achieve better physiotherapy outcomes while having a great time. Health Next Door is committed to providing innovative and enjoyable physiotherapy solutions to help children thrive.