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How can I get Assistive Technology in my NDIS Plan?

Written by Health Next Door Physiotherapists | Jul 22, 2024 10:16:42 AM

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) in Australia aims to support people with disabilities by providing them with the necessary services and equipment to enhance their quality of life. One of the most impactful ways to achieve this is through the integration of assistive technology in physiotherapy plans.

At Health Next Door, we believe that combining innovative technology with traditional physiotherapy can significantly improve outcomes for our clients. In this blog post, we’ll explore the benefits, applications, and acquisition of assistive technology in NDIS physiotherapy plans.

What is Assistive Technology?

Assistive technology refers to devices or systems that help individuals perform tasks they would otherwise find challenging due to their disabilities. This technology ranges from simple tools, like modified utensils, to more complex systems, such as robotic exoskeletons. The primary goal of assistive technology is to enhance the functional capabilities of individuals, promoting greater independence and improved quality of life.

Benefits of Integrating Assistive Technology
  1. Enhanced Mobility and Independence: Assistive technology can significantly improve mobility for individuals with physical impairments. Devices such as powered wheelchairs, mobility scooters, and stairlifts enable greater independence and ease of movement.
  2. Improved Communication: For individuals with speech or hearing impairments, assistive technology like speech-generating devices and hearing aids can facilitate better communication, thereby enhancing social interactions and overall well-being.
  3. Personalised Rehabilitation: With advancements in technology, physiotherapists can now use devices like wearable sensors and virtual reality systems to tailor rehabilitation programs to the specific needs of everyone, ensuring more effective and personalized care.
  4. Increased Safety: Assistive technology can enhance safety for individuals with disabilities. For example, fall detection devices and emergency response systems can provide timely assistance in case of accidents, reducing the risk of serious injuries.
Applications of Assistive Technology in Physiotherapy
  1. Wearable Technology: Devices such as smartwatches and fitness trackers can monitor vital signs, physical activity levels, and even sleep patterns. This data can be invaluable for physiotherapists in designing and adjusting treatment plans.
  2. Virtual Reality (VR): VR systems can create immersive environments for therapy sessions, making exercises more engaging and enjoyable. VR can be particularly useful for individuals with neurological conditions, as it can help improve motor skills and cognitive functions.
  3. Assistive Software: Speech-to-text programs, screen readers, and other assistive software can help individuals with visual or cognitive impairments access digital content, facilitating better communication and learning opportunities.
Examples of Assistive Technology and How to Obtain Them
  1. Powered Wheelchairs: These wheelchairs are designed for individuals who have difficulty using a manual wheelchair. They provide greater mobility and independence. To obtain a powered wheelchair, clients can consult with their physiotherapist at Health Next Door to determine the most suitable model. The NDIS can cover the cost if it's included in the client's plan.
  2. Hearing Aids: Essential for individuals with hearing impairments, hearing aids amplify sounds to improve hearing capabilities. To get hearing aids, an audiologist can assess the individual's needs, and the NDIS can fund the devices if they are part of the support plan.
  3. Fall Detection Devices: These devices alert caregivers or emergency services in the event of a fall, ensuring timely assistance. Fall detection devices can be purchased from medical supply stores, and their cost can be covered by the NDIS if deemed necessary in the client's plan.
  4. Speech-Generating Devices: For individuals with speech impairments, these devices help in communicating by generating speech based on user input. Speech-generating devices can be obtained through a speech therapist’s recommendation, and the NDIS can fund them as part of the communication support.
  5. Virtual Reality Systems: Used in therapy to create engaging and immersive rehabilitation exercises, VR systems can be acquired through specialized providers. The NDIS can include VR systems in the funding plan if they are justified as necessary for the client's therapy.
We’re here for you!

At Health Next Door, we are committed to leveraging the latest advancements in assistive technology to enhance our NDIS physiotherapy services. Our team of experienced physiotherapists works closely with clients to identify the most suitable assistive technology solutions for their needs. Our experienced patient-centred physiotherapists collaborate with other allied-health professionals to make suitable recommendations for assistive technologies.

We’re here for all clients!


The integration of assistive technology in NDIS physiotherapy plans holds immense potential for improving the lives of individuals with disabilities.

At Health Next Door, we are dedicated to exploring these innovative solutions to help our clients achieve their full potential. If you or a loved one could benefit from our services, please contact us to learn more about how we can support your journey towards better health and independence.